
What is a zombie hunter?

While the definition can vary depending on whom you ask, my idea of a zombie hunter, as it applies to the real world, is as follows:

A zombie hunter is someone who's aware of what catastrophic things can happen within the world around them and tries their best to prepare for these events. Call it disaster preparedness, survivalism or just plain paranoia; I call it a good idea.

Why zombies?

I first became aware of the concept of a zombie hunter through the Zombie Squad website, which I happened to stumble upon a few of years ago.

To my knowledge, they originated the idea of using zombies as a metephor for disaster preparedness. The idea being that if you're prepared to survive a zombie apocalypse, then you're fairly well prepared for any disaster that man or nature can throw at you. That really struck a chord with me and put me on the path to being more well-prepared.

Really, I guess finding Zombie Squad re awoke something that had been inside of me for a long time. As a child and young teen, I was very interested in survival skills and being prepared for the unexpected. I had assembled, as I recall, a decent little survival kit, complete with the requisite 80's hollow-handle survival knife :-). And whenever my family would travel, I'd make sure that my kit was with me. A future zombie hunter, for sure.

Today, am I ready for anything? No. Not yet anyway. But I sleep alot better knowing that my preperations (in knowledge, supplies and gear) will get me and my family through a lot of stuff, should something hit the fan.

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